Orders Of Protection Involving Spouses, Ex-Spouses And Others
An order of protection (restraining order) is often issued in the context of a divorce or legal separation, but we certainly help people in several other situations, including those involving:
- An ex-spouse
- A former or current sexual partner
- A person you live with or used to live with
- A relative by blood or marriage
- Any person who is stalking or harassing you, regardless of your relationship
- A minor child being abused (child order of protection)
Our attorneys are able to provide domestic violence guidance and representation to victims and to accused parties. Attorney Lance A. Riddle has over 25 years of experience representing people across central Missouri in the broad range of criminal law matters, and we are very familiar with orders of protection as they affect divorce and separation cases.
Two Types Of Orders Of Protection
An Ex-Parte Order of Protection is a temporary order that a judge issues if you are in immediate danger. It lasts until the court hearing for a Full Order of Protection. It is issued without a hearing and without the alleged abuser's knowledge or consent.
A Full Order of Protection is issued after a court hearing that allows for both the alleged abuser and victim to present their sides of the story to the judge.
It is important to consult a lawyer as soon as possible. We can help petition for an order effectively or defend yourself against an order. You will be required to attend the court hearing for the full order of protection, and at this hearing it is imperative that you have a plan and that your side of the case is clear and compelling.
An Order Of Protection In Divorce Or Legal Separation
Orders may be misused as leverage, used for physical protection or used for both physical and financial protection. They can be used to protect your physical security and the security of marital assets. They can also have significant impacts on a child custody case, visitation rights and other divorce/separation matters.
Ensure that your rights, your children and your future are all protected to the greatest extent possible by retaining the representation of a results-based, assertive family law attorney.
Please Contact Us In Warrensburg To Speak With An Attorney Today
We are available at 660-747-6600, and we look forward to discussing your unique situation during a free initial consultation. You may also contact us for prompt response through our secure online contact form.